Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I keep track of time by looking at how many anti-malarials are in my prescription jar:

Favorite Phrases: 
Here are some phrases that I have learned to love. If I say them once I get home, forgive me. 

"Not so?"- Isn't that right?
"Can you borrow me....?" - May I borrow...?
"We will start at half four."- We start at 4:30.
"You are welcome. Feel free."- Welcome. Be comfortable.
"Go well!"- Safe travels.
"Zikuyenda"- All good? (both a question and response)
"Bo" and "Sharp"- (Good- put thumb up)
"I'm coming." - I'll be back.
"Are we together?"- Are you with me? Do you understand?

Favorite conversations:
6/25/2013 in Lilongwe marketplace:
Vendor: "Sister, where are you from?"
Me: "The US."
Vendor: "What?! I thought all Black people were from Africa."

7/15/2013 in the Mango marketplace:
Woman to me: Something in Chichewa...
Joyce to woman: "...She is a Black American."
Woman to Andrina: "She is Black! She is from America!" (in Chichewa)
Andrina to woman: "I tell you! We are everywhere, my friend!" (SMILES, in English)

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